Extraordinarium Private Nights

private functions - wedding showers/hen party - ghost hunts - group meetings - educational functions
Don't stand on ceremony - book your group in.
Private functions to suit you.


Whether you want a Paranormal group night, unusual wedding, renew your vows, gothic evenings, cosplay function, private speakers evening, team building days, photographic days, stalls to sell and more, inform us of your function and we will help put the day/night together.

We can build the functionality to suit your requirements, straight forward or weird simply ask us, you've all to gain.

These artifacts hold many Surprises and Intrigues, within the Museum and talks, three artifacts are severley deadly only one will be on display at any time.

In fact, there really is more to the Extraordinarium Museum than first meets the eye!

Take a look for yourself at the artifacts, as the 'Most Haunted' items and connected stories will give you better insights and now run by one of the UK's leading Mediums/Exorcist.

We wanted our personal night there and we had a few surprises for the guests

// Nikki and Chris - dark history freaks...

Remember: The Extraordinarium Musuem was, and still is, the home of the Deceased. It produces its own Hauntings which often reveal themselves, independent of any Malevolent Artefacts that you currently have on display.

So, do not miss anything, you will find out when you hire us?

We can help theme your night.

We can offer you a private/closed off areas, or you can make use of the full facilities. Whether Ghost Hunting, just looking for an Unusual event venue, or you are simply after something 'Exciting and Unique' for your company, talk to us. Themed nights are available with specialist actors can be provided.

Simply put, just ask any Question or suggest/propose a night/event that you would like to hold and we will help to meet your request.

Can they touch you?

// a non-believer once said and the reply

Without doubt they will! One family was psychically thrown out of their own home recently and they still can't believe it!